Ismail Lab 2024 members, from left to right: Farthest back row - Kavan O'Rourke, Coleman Selfridge, Echo Crawford, Medora Creek; Middle back row - Andressa Maria Suzin, Matheus Gouveia, Anastasia Natania, Dr. Pam Ismail (principle investigator), Sima Saeidy, Taylor Otness, Lisa Wagner; Middle front row - Brittany Kralik, Shreevats Mor, Karthik Pandalaneni, Charu Gupta, Yi Chen, Jeanne Goh, Emily Nelson, Saajewa Dasent-Swygart, Nigel Kang, Serap Vatansever; Nearest front row - Nardos Yezihalem, Molly Holbrook, Sabrina Corbera, Sarra Grazza.
Want to learn more about our research?
Our research mainly focuses on chemical characterization and enhancement of functionality, safety, bioavailability, delivery, and bioactivity of food proteins, following novel processing and analytical approaches. Our lab has historically targeted proteins from common sources, including soy, wheat, whey, and casein. However, novel plant-based proteins are in demand more than ever before, warranting further research to allow for their successful incorporation in various food applications to appease both industry and the consumer. Thus, many of our research efforts align with the research priorities and mission of the Plant Protein Innovation Center. Our research efforts involve structural and functional characterization of proteins from several plant sources including pulses, oilseeds (including hemp), cereal grains, leaves, among other novel sources. We often collaborate with breeders and geneticists to study protein characteristics across different breeding lines in an effort to develop varieties of superior protein properties and not just quantity. Furthermore, because the functionality of plant-based proteins can be inferior to animal derived protein, we research ways to improve functionality and thermal stability of plant-based proteins, following several upstream and downstream processing, including optimization of protein extraction methods and several protein modification approaches. The protein modification technologies we research include enzymatic, non-thermal processing, and other natural protein modification such as Maillard-induced glycation.
Beyond novel plant proteins, our lab also added sustainable crops to its repertoire. Most notably, we have been researching perennial and short-season winter crops including intermediate wheatgrass grains (grains related to wheat), winter pea, pennycress, camelina, and flax. These crops have excellent environmental benefits, among them reduced soil and water erosion, increased carbon sequestration, and reduced nitrogen leaching. Through a collaborative effort with geneticists, breeders, and agronomists, we are ultimately working to see them commercialized as sources of functional and stable ingredients for different food applications.